Interview with Mathilde Rosier

Mathilde Rosier started her career as Junior Auditor at Mazars Belgium more than 3 years ago, and we had the great pleasure of sitting down and engaging in a conversation with her about her career journey with Mazars.

What began as an internship in Audit has evolved into a remarkable success story. Mathilde has become an invaluable contributor to Mazars Belgium, and witnessing her growth and accomplishments has been truly inspiring.

In this interview, we’ve asked Mathilde to reflect on her experience in the world of audit at Mazars and share insights from her professional journey thus far.

What do you love most about working at Mazars?

At Mazars, the work itself is super interesting and always keeps me on my toes. I love that there are endless opportunities to learn and grow, which motivates me to keep expanding my skills and knowledge. 

But the best part of working here is definitely the bond I’ve formed with my colleagues. We’re a tight-knit group who have each other’s backs, and being part of a collaborative team is beyond rewarding.

What are the perks of working in auditing, and what’s your favourite part of the job?

The coolest thing about auditing is that I’m never bored! 

My work is super flexible, and my tasks are always changing. Plus, we get to audit a ton of different companies – everything from construction sites to nursing homes and factories. I love that I’m constantly learning in so many different areas. 

Another great thing about working in audit is that I can organize my schedule so that it works for me. As long as the work is done on time and done well, I have a lot of freedom in how I structure my day. Plus, there’s something extremely satisfying about using my analytical skills to mitigate risks and uncover insights that make a real positive impact on our client’s financial integrity.

What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

Honestly, there are many challenges, but my two biggest challenges have been making sure I’m doing quality work and keeping a healthy work-life balance. 

Luckily, my team at Mazars is amazing, and we always help each other out and support each other’s growth. 

Besides, I genuinely love coming to work and am fulfilled by the challenges we face every day. Balancing work and life is always tough, but I’m lucky to have found a routine that works for me and my loved ones. 

What have you learned from working at Mazars?

I’ve developed some super valuable skills, like managing tight deadlines, navigating complex regulations, and exceeding client expectations. 

I also really appreciate the critical perspective I’ve gained by examining financial information and business practices. It’s allowed me to question the status quo and look for innovative solutions to problems. 

All in all, I feel like I’ve grown a lot as a person and a professional since I started working 3 years ago after my internship at Mazars.

What gets you excited to come to work every day?

I’m always excited to learn new skills, try out new approaches, and meet new people. 

I feel so lucky that my job offers me the chance to explore new companies and industries, and to constantly challenge myself with new tasks and projects. It’s fulfilling to contribute my thoughts and ideas to help our clients succeed!

Why did you choose Mazars for your career?

Mazars has an international presence, but it still feels like a tight-knit, personal company. I love that we have plenty of opportunities to bond with colleagues both in and out of the office, and that I can be recognized as an individual rather than just one employee among many. 

I also appreciate the valuable skills I’ve acquired here, the ongoing learning opportunities, and the dynamic nature of the auditing industry. Overall, I feel like Mazars is the perfect fit for my career trajectory.

My advice to Gen You? Be curious, be happy, and be true to yourself. If you have those qualities, Mazars is an excellent choice for your career!


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