Audit & Assurance

To certify indepently your business practices and to provide you with specialised consultancy or assurance services on international accounting standards and on internal control systems.

The core business of our audit services are statutory audits and group audits at one hand and assurance engagements at the other hand. Our Brussels office is specialized in bank & insurance audit. Our audit approach is based on audit strategies and plans which are tailored to the business environment and characteristics of each client.

Our performance spectrum includes:

  • Statutory audit and group audits,
  • Other statutory assignments s.a.:
    • contribution in kind,
    • interim dividend,
    • reporting to works’ council,
    • consolidation,
  • Presentation, training, coaching and implementation of IFRS,
  • Due diligences,
  • Arbitrations,
  • Special audits of selected accounting areas,
  • Assurance engagements on internal control,
  • Forensic audits.

All these assignments are rendered in conformity with generally accepted audit and assurance standards.

For us, auditing is not just about checking off figures, but involves risk anticipation and enhanced risk awareness. We are certainly not cruise-controlling our way through our clients’ books.

We have specially developped recently an advanced client assistance on IFRS implementation and Internal Control Assessments.

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