Businesses operating in a competitive and complex global environment have to rapidly evolve and meet increasing challenges.
Forvis Mazars can help guide and advise businesses through the changing landscape to help manage risk, optimise processes and capitalise on opportunities. Regardless of your business cycle or circumstances, we are able to combine our expertise on strategy, risk, technology, people and processes to provide tailored solutions that suit your business objectives.

Whether you are seeking to improve business performance, ensure all aspects of risk are covered, navigate the digital landscape or enhance your business culture, our experts are here to help.

Cyber Security

In today’s increasingly sophisticated and complex technological environment, new security challenges are constantly arising, making it harder for businesses to protect valuable intellectual property and business information in digital form against theft, damage and misuse.

Our cyber security team assists organisations with the prevention of cyberattacks and the protection of valuable assets through vulnerability assessment of intrusion in IT infrastructure, in data warehouses or applications; onsite physical security inspection of the offices/data centres, and social Engineering (attempting to gain information, access or introduce malware trough the manipulation of end users).

Our Expertise

  • Assessment of cyber risks and the related control environment;
  • Drafting security policies, procedures;
  • Black box / Grey box pen testing;
  • Security Awareness Programs (e.g. social engineering, phishing campaigns, … );
  • Risk assessment of proposed changes to the technology of an organisation (e.g. Cloud);
  • Third party assurance.

Internal Audit

The Internal audit function of today, should bring added-value to the business, which goes beyond regulatory compliance and assessment of internal controls. In the context of more management liability, Internal Audit is more and more seen as a key component in monitoring the performance of the organization in achieving their strategic goals.

Our internal audit team is available to become your assurance provider and trusted advisor, thinking along with you on how to grow further. It provides independent assurance that your organisation’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively and assures organisation’s bodies that key organisational risks are effectively managed and that an effective control framework is in place.

Our Expertise

  • Full Outsourcing of Internal Audit Function to Forvis Mazars;
  • Expert input on internal audit missions;
  • Resource augmentation;
  • Coaching Internal Audit Function to improve their set-up / way of working,
  • Interim management.

Our teams are committed to support the achievement of your objectives. We leverage the level of experience and the high professional standards of our people. You can benefit locally from the skills of Certified Internal Auditors, Certified IS auditors, an ACL certified Data analyst as well as experienced internal control specialists.


Companies’ success is no longer measured solely by the yardstick of their financial performance – having a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy has never been so critical.

We help our clients implement effective Corporate Sustainable Responsibility (CSR) strategies and offer them a range of sustainable services, adapted to their specific needs and attuned to local cultural and legal settings. Within our sustainability services we advise on areas such as human rights, anti-bribery & corruption, environment and health & safety.

Our Expertise

  • Analysis (baseline definition) & Plan (action plan for development of a sustainable strategy);
  • Implementation (adapted processes & technologies – to make the sustainable business model “happen”);
  • Monitoring (definition of KPIs and set-up of data-gathering processes, measurement, … );
  • Reporting (Data-gathering process) & Assurance (Reporting on environmental and social performance is now standard practice in business wherever in the world you may operate).

Monitoring Trustee

Forvis Mazars’ dedicated Monitoring Trustee team advises on large state aid, merger control and antitrust cases globally. Our experts deal with competition authorities and apply competition law and economics drawing on their depth of experience as both regulators and advisers. Forvis Mazars has regularly acted as monitoring trustee in numerous cases involving the implementation of virtually every type of structural and behavioural remedy.

Our consultants have a broad range of industry knowledge across a variety of sectors with a wealth of experience providing remedies and compliance advice in relation to:

Our Expertise

  • act as regulatory (BMA, NBB, FSMA, FODs, …) or entity appointed monitor of the business of the concerned entities or parts of it;
  • acting as trustee on behalf of the competition authority in order resolve competition concerns arising from transactions (mergers & acquisitions) and to oversee the implementation of the remedies and report to the competition authority;
  • monitoring of compliance issues by market players so as to ensure fit and proper functioning of activities in the public interest and not merely the interest of an entity;

Business Process Improvement

By systematically assessing the current state of our client’s business processes, our team identify areas of weakness and work with clients to prioritise improvement opportunities and plan implementation.

Our team helps you to improve and increase efficiency of back-office and finance processes, systems and resources,  in order to derive the maximum business value thereof and to reduce risk in the delivery of value for money business operations. How can your business processes in areas such as finance, HR, IT, marketing and sales be optimised with the aid of technologies like analytics, artificial intelligence, robotic process automation and blockchain?

Our Expertise

  • Assessment and analysis of business processes, identify and describe weaknesses, inefficiencies, gaps & risks in structured documentation;
  • Identify opportunities for process optimisation and improvement, start a pilot or ‘proof of concept’ and design a change and implementation programme so that the new way of working, supported by new technology, can be successfully implemented in your organisation.;
  • Help you to obtain valuable insights in your sales, production, finance, procurement and HR data by unlocking  the available internal and external data, apply a range of analytics tools, integrate analytics into your work processes, and set up dashboards for reporting. (Advanced DataLytics);
  • Development of customized tools and templates (accounting and business management tools), standardized working papers creation, HR assessment report, processing of external data into readable information, conversion of spreadsheets data in XML format.

Privacy Management

More than ever, citizens around the world are concerned about what organisations do with their personal data.
As many high-profile breaches have demonstrated, there are significant risks for both businesses and individuals when things go wrong.

Regulations have been evolving over the past few years and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into force to lead businesses towards compliance with data privacy best practice. Forvis Mazars provides businesses with the support they need to ensure adequate compliance with data protection regulations and alignment with widely adopted and recognisable data management frameworks.

Our European GDPR team helps organisations navigate the complex legal requirements and compliance obligations related to data privacy, as well as maximise the benefits that sound data management provides. Forvis Mazars provides support to entities in refining and maintaining compliance as the regulatory and legal environment matures.

Our Expertise

State-of-the-art audit, compliance, implementation and change management services such as :

  • Privacy and data protection training;
  • GDPR and e-privacy implementation and compliance support (GAP assessments, roadmap definition, implementation, legal implementation);
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments;
  • Outsourcing Data Protection Officer function;
  • Data protection / privacy management certification;
  • Data processor audits.

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